I declare that I have not been the subject of a final judgment or of…
Kidnappings abroad? Criminal liability of companies, associations and non-profit organizations – the need to have Security Contractors
By Michael Amoruso, italian lawyer and Director of Legal & Communication Division of STAM Strategic…
Sequestro all’estero? Responsabilità “penale” di società, associazioni e onlus – la necessità di Security Contractors
By Michael Amoruso, italian lawyer and Director of Legal & Communication Division of STAM Strategic…
Il lavoro è un diritto, non un dovere.
Abbiamo deciso di inaugurare il blog di STAM nel 2020 con un’analisi non propriamente settoriale,…
Una legge italiana sulle PMS’C Contractors? Un’imperdibile opportunità. STAM nel Parlamento italiano
By Michael Amoruso, italian lawyer and Director of Legal & Communication Division of STAM Strategic…
The status of personnel of PMSCs Contractors in armed conflict under IHL. Is there also a special status?
In recent days the scenarios of countries where there are conflicts have increased dramatically. It…